Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Homework #1

Quick Blog Question:
-       Which is more critical in your opinion: Lack of water or water pollution?
o   I think water pollution is a more critical issue because if water is polluted it is unsafe to drink or use. The more water that gets polluted, the less water we have.
ISAS - (pgs. 23-24) #1, 2, 8-13, 17:
-        #1: No, consuming solely packaged fruit juice does not mean that he would consume less water. In fact, the process of making one cup of fruit juice uses more water than one cup of tap water.
-       #3: Three indirect uses of water associated with bread are four, eggs, and butter. You have to water the wheat plant in order to grow and process flour. It takes water to grow chicken and cow feed and you must feed a chicken or cow water in order to keep it healthy and laying eggs or producing milk.
-       #8: The world’s total water hasn’t changed because of the hydrologic cycle. The hydrologic cycle is the cycle of water falling as snow or rain, into large bodies of water, evaporating into water vapor, and finally falling as rain or snow once again, completing the cycle. Thus recycling of water controls the amount of water, although it doesn’t guarantee that the water will be pure.
-       #9: The order of water abundance on Earth is oceans, glaciers, water vapor, and rivers.
-       #10: The quotation would be true in any situation where you could find yourself with only access to foul water. If you were stranded by a river that only contained foul-water, then you would be surrounded by water but you wouldn’t be able to drink any of it.
-       #11: 77% of water is used in the western region of the United States.
-       #12: a. = 2.11, b. = .009
-       #13: It is possible because of the hydrologic cycle. This concept shows how water is recycled as it goes from rain or snow into bodies of water then evaporated into water vapor and then repeats the cycle.
-       #17: The discrepancy is because the first number is an average and the second number could be based upon a single person.
A.5 – (p.17) #1-3:
- #1: a. The East – steam/electric, b. The South – steam/electric, c. The Midwest – steam/electric, d. The West – Irrigation/agricultural, e. Alaska – Mining, f. Hawaii - Irrigation/agricultural
- #2: Most of the countries’ farms are on the west coast because of the warm weather and cool climate. Because of the farms, it is not surprising that most of the water usage on the West Coast is because of Irrigation or agriculture. On the other hand, the cold climate, large industrial sites, and significant transportation are all reasons why most of the East Coasts’ water usage goes toward steam and electric.
- #3: East: transportation and populated city, South: factories and farms, Midwest: Car factories and cold weather, West: National parks, farms, hot weather, Alaska: mining, cold weather, Hawaii: farms and hot we

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