Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Homework #3

ISBS: #1-12 (p.50)

  1. Physical properties are properties that can be  observed and measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance. 
  2. The physical properties of water are density, freezing point, and boiling point. 
  3. The density of liquid water is more than the density of solid water (ice). This is why ice floats to the top of water. 
  4. A setting where you could observe water as a liquid, gas, and solid would be if you were at the beach. You may be sipping some ice water, watching the waves, and think about the water that is evaporating into water vapor because it is very hot outside. 
  5. A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that is not uniform throughout, while homogeneous mixtures are uniform throughout. 
  6. To predict what liquid will be on top you need to know the two water densities. Because gasoline is a type of oil, we can conclude that the gasoline will sit on top of the water. 
  7. Solution, Suspension, or Colloid?
    1. Suspension
    2. Suspension
    3. Colloid
    4. Solution
    5. Suspension
    6. Colloid
  8. This demonstrates a solution because there are no particles disturbing the light beams
  9. See drawing below
  10. This red mixture would be a solution because it is a homogeneous mixture do to the fact that it didn't have any particles settle over time. In other words, the mixture was uniform throughout. 
  11. A substance is an element or compound with uniform and definite compositions, as well as distinct properties. 
  12. Element or Compound
    1. CO - Compound
    2. Co - Element
    3. HCl - Compound
    4. Mg - Element
    5. NaHCO3 - Compound
    6. NO - Compound
    7. I2 - Compound
#9's drawings 

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