
Terms - 1A Vocab

1A Terms List

purity: free from impurities

filteration: solid particles separated from a liquid by passing the mixture through a material that retains the solid particles and allows the liquid to pass through

filtrate: the liquid collected after it has been filtered 

adsorb: to attract and hold onto a surface.

percent recovery: percent of original foul water sample recovered as purified water.

purified water: water that has been cleaned through a process of filtration/purification. The final step of purification is distillation.

histogram: shows percent recovery obtained (by all laboratory groups in the class).

range: the difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set.

average/mean: average value found by adding all values together and dividing the sum by the total number of values.

median: middle value

distillation: the process of separating salt from water through evaporation and condensation in a distillation apparatus.

electrical conductivity:  the presence of dissolved, electrically charged particles in water.

Tyndall Effect: the clarity of a water sample tested by passing a beam of light through each sample. 

water cycle/hydrologic cycle: the cycle of water falling, evaporating into the air, condensing, and falling again.

direct water use: water that can be directly measured.

indirect water use: hidden uses of water.

gaseous state: water vapor in the air.

liquid statein lakes, rivers, oceans, clouds, and rain.

solid state: ice.

surface water: a river or other body of water.

groundwater: a well- must be pumped to the surface.

aquifera water-bearing layer of rock, sand, or gravel.

B.1-B.4 Vocab List

B.1-B.4 Vocab List

  1. Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass; all solids, liquids, and gasses are classified as matter.
  2. Physical Properties:  Properties that can be observed and measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance. 
  3. Density: The mass of material within a given volume 
  4. Freezing Point: A physical property of water
  5. Aqueous Solutions: Water-based solutions
  6. Mixture: Two or more substances combine, and yet the substance retains their individual properties
  7. Heterogeneous Mixture: A mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout
  8. Suspension: a type of heterogeneous mixture in which the solid particles are large enough too settle out or can be separated by using filtration
  9. Tyndall effect: Scattering of light
  10. Colloid: A mixture where the solid particles were still in the water
  11. Homogeneous Mixture: A mixture in which the liquid is uniform throughout
  12. Solutions: homogeneous mixtures
  13. Solute: The dissolved substance
  14. Solvent: The dissolving agent
  15. Particulate Level: The level of its atoms and molecules
  16. Atoms: Makes up all matter
  17. Element: Matter that is made of only one kind of atom
  18. Compound: A substance that is composed of the atoms of two or more elements linked together chemically in certain fixed proportions 
  19. Chemical Formulas: Represents compounds and elements 
  20. Substance: A uniform and definite composition, as well as distinct properties
  21. Molecule: The smallest unit of a molecular compound that retains the properties of that substance 

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