Friday, July 19, 2013

Homework #8

#7-13 (p.204)

7)  An alloy is a solid combination of atoms of two or more metals. 

8) Some of my jewelry is made of gold and steel is used all around the house in plumbing. 

9) Carbon, C, is a component of both steel and stainless steel. 

Chromium-platinum alloy: 
Formula: Cr3Pt
Use: basis of some commercial razor blade edges. 
Physical property: very hard

11) Elements that behave as semiconductors are located on the break between metals and nonmetals--metalloids. 

12)Four elements commonly used for doping semiconductors include phosphorus (P), arsenic (Ar), aluminum (Al), and gallium (Ga). 

13) The primary use of the products of semiconductor technology is the allowance for computers to process digital information. 

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