Monday, July 8, 2013

Homework #1

#1-12 (p.130)

  1. a. physical property, b. chemical property, c. chemical property, d. physical property
  2. a. physical property, b. physical property, c. chemical property, d. chemical property
  3. a. chemical change, b. chemical change, c. physical change, d. physical change
  4. a. physical change, b. chemical change, c. chemical change, d. physical change
  5. a. The color changes from white or green to brown, b. the energy is used up, c. because the oil has to do with solubility is is a chemical change, d. we can observe the oil and water separating into a suspension
  6. a: 1. mix butter and sugar together and add vanilla and eggs (physical change), 2. gradually mix in flour, salt, and baking soda together in a separate bowl (physical change), 3. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and add chocolate chips (chemical change), 3. put dough on baking sheet and bake (physical and chemical change) 
  7. a. metals, b. nonmetals, c. nonmetals, d. metals
  8. a. metal, b. metalloid, c.  nonmetals, d. metal
  9. B- boron and Si-sillicon 
  10. a. it would shatter, b. it would bend, c. it would shatter, d. it would bend
  11. They are not conductors and they aren't malleable
  12. They are not reactant, they are malleable, and they are durable 

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