Monday, July 1, 2013

Solubility Curve Lab Report

Solubility Lab Report

Abby, Layla, and Jilly


  • Durring this lab we tested the solubility of succinic acid at 45, 55, and 65 degrees. We dissolved succinic acid in water by heating the test tube in a hot water bath. Once the acid was in suspension, we placed it in ice bath. We observed cystals forming and measured them. We recovered accurate results during the 55 and 65 degree temperatures. While doing the 45 degree temperature we stirred the test tube too vigorously in the hot water bath and broke the test tube. We had to take Lithium's results for that temperature. During this lab we saw how to test solubility and learned how temperature effects solubility. We enjoyed this lab very much and I found it interesting to work with heat. It was most difficult to maintain the accurate temperature but it was very cool observing the crystals take form.

  • Safety rules: 
    • Wear all the appropriate safety clothing including gloves
    • Beware of the acid as it is slightly toxic 
    • Watch out for the hot plate!
  • Heating the Water Bath
    • Put 300mL of water into a 400mL beaker 
    • Place the beaker onto the heating plate, stirring and taking a constant temperature 
    • When the beaker reaches 45 degrees Celsius, remove it 
    • Throughout the procedure, move the beaker back and forth from the hot plate to maintain the desired temperature
  • Succinic Acid 
    • Measure out 4-5 g of succinic acid and put it in a test tube
    • Add 20mL of distilled water to the acid 
  • Stirring the Test Tube in the Water Bath
    • Place the test tube in the 45 degree water bath
    • With a glass stirring rod, stir the acid every 30 seconds for a total of seven minuets 
      • Make sure not to stir the test tube to vigorously as you can break the test tube
    • Make sure to have the thermometer in the water bath. Move it back to the hot plate if it does not maintain the temperature 
  • Decanting
    • After the seven minuets, decant the test tube being careful not to get any of the remaining crystals into the new test tube
    • Discard of the old test tube and the remaining crystals
  • Ice Bath
    • Fill a 400mL beaker with ice and water
    • Place the test tube in the water bath for two minuets stirring once or twice
    • Remove the water from the ice bath after two minuets and let stand at room temperature for five minuets 
  • Measuring the Crystals
    • Tap the test tube on its sides and swirl it once
    • Once the crystals have settled to the bottom, measure the crystals in cm and convert to mm
  • Record results
  • Wash out all test tubes in the sink
  • Repeat the process changing the temperatures to 55 degrees and 65 degrees 

Results: We worked together and got accurate results for 55 and 65 degrees. We broke the test tube for 45 degrees so we had to use another groups results. We also were one of the only groups who changed our cm to mm. During the 65 degree test all of the acid dissolved while in the hot water bath. This only happened at that high temperature. Because of this it isn't a surprise that there were the most crystals at 65 degrees than the other tests. We saw that solubility increases with temperature.

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