Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Homework #3

#26-34 (p.132)
26. Nonmetallic elements are more likely to loose electrons.
27. This indicates that noble gasses are nonreactive and very stable. 
28. a. cation, b. cation, c. anion, d. anion, e. anion, f. cation, g. cation, h. anion
29. A. Copper metal and copper(II) are more similar because the only difference between them are electrons.
30. The diameter would be 206 pm.
  • a. Change in color
    • Chemical: rusting
    • Physical: paint
  • b. Change in temperature
    • Chemical: burning
    • Physical: boiling
  • c. Formation of a gas
    • Chemical: reaction of 2 elements
    • Physical: evaporation
  • a. Bromine
  • b. Silicon
33. Mendeleev organized the periodic table by atomic weight and in the fish kill we had to figure out the substances  that caused the fish to die by measuring the amounts of substances. 
34. Argon and potassium would be in different places if the periodic table was organized by atomic weight as well as cobalt and nickel. 
#1-8 (p. 151)
  • Atmosphere: nitrogen and oxygen
  • Hydrosphere: water and dissolved minerals
  • Lithosphere: petroleum and metal-bearing ores
2.  a. The crust: top 40km: the thin band of soil and rock containing major raw materials needed to build all manufactured objects. 
The mantle: 40-2900km: the middle layer of the lithosphere. 
The core: 2900km: Earth's center: extremely hot.
b. The crust serves as the main storehouse of chemical resources used in manufacturing consumer products. 
a. Mexico.
b. Japan.
c. China. 
4. China produces the largest masses of the eight listed resources in the table. 
5. Minerals are naturally occurring solid compounds that have the element while ores must be mined. 
6. Percent of metal in the ore, type of mining and processing used to extract the metal from the ore, and the environmental impact of the mining and metal processing are all factors.
7. It could have more gold in it now.
8. This means the percent of desired mineral being mined.

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