Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homework #6

13. a. 6 moles
      b. 5 moles
      c. 5 moles

14. a. 2 moles
      b. 621 grams
      c. 28 grams
      d. 415 grams

15. The actual mass is 66.6666666% but rounded it is 67%.

16. a. 87%
      b. 53%
      c. 40%

17. a. 68%
      b. 10%
      c. 6.8%

18. a. Reusing is when something is used more than once. Recycling is when you convert an object into a new object.
      b. Reusing: water bottles, paper
          Recycling: cans, glass, plastic

19. a. water, fertilizer, air, soil
      b. gold, silver, minerals, fossil fuels

20. a. reusing
      b. recycling
      c. reusing

21. The newspaper can be refused and recycled while the glass cannot.

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