Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Homework #2

1SAS #3,4,5,6,7 (Page: 23)
#3: a. The mmanufacturing of the filter paper is an indirect water use because water is not in the end product. b. The re moistening of the sand and gravel is a direct water use because it does not alter the water in the process. c. The use of water to cool the distillation apparatus is an indirect water use because you use the water to cool the apparatus and it doesn't appear in the final water product. 
#4: Purifying water means to remove the water's impurities through filtration and adsorption.  
#5: Three techniques for purifying water is oil-separation, sand filtration, and charcoal adsorption.
#6: During the oil-separation step in the lab, you are removing the oil. By filtering the water through the sand, you remove any other solid  
 #7: This was because you can't remove salt from water by filtration. Instead, you would have to use distillation to remove the salt. 
A.8 #1-4 (Page: 22) 

#1: Three water uses that I could do without are water to wash the cars, water used to water the grass, and water to fill the pool.
 #2: I could not do without water to make food or to drink.
#3: I could reduce my water with my showers by taking shorter timed showers.
#4: a. You could use impure water to wash your car; b.  This water could be used from cooking water. 


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