Monday, June 24, 2013

Homework #6

#19-24 (p. 51)

19. a. Carbon: 6 protons and 6 electrons
      b. Aluminum: 13 protons and 13 electrons
      c. Lead: 82 protons and 82 electrons
      d. Chlorine: 17 protons and 17 electrons
20. a. Sulfer- not neutral
      b. Iron: not neutral
      c. Silver: Neutral
      d. Iodine: not neutral
21. a. anion, b. neutral, c. neutral, d. cation, e. cation
22. a. gaining electrons, b. neither, c. neither, d. loosing electrons, e.  loosing electrons
23. a. H, b. Na+, c. Ch-, d. Al+
24. a. KI - potassium iodine, b. CaS - calcium sulfur, c. FeBr - iron bromine, d. BaOH - barium oxygen hydrogen, e. NHPO - nitrogen hydrogen phosphorous oxygen, f. AlO - aluminum oxygen

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