Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homework #7

#25-34 (p. 51-52)

25. Qualitative tests require observation of appearance such as making note of color, while quantitative tests measure the amount of a substance.

26. Confirming tests are tests that confirms that the ion in question is present.

27. The purpose of the reference solution was to see what the formation of precipitate looked like, while the distilled-water blank well was to see what a non reacting well looked like.

28. The student cannot conclude that there is no iron present. The reason it appears to not be present is because there may only be a small amount of iron in the water.

29. I would let the mixture sit for a while and see if any particles settle or if there is a visible suspension. Then I would try the Tyndall test and see the result. If there are visible particles or layers of different liquids appear then it is a suspension. If you try the Tyndall effect but there are no particles visible it may be a colloid. If the previous tests are inconclusive, then it may be a solution.

30. The possible risks of not shaking a medicine bottle if it indicates to do so are that you get only one part of the medicine. In other words, if the medicine is in suspension and you take a sample, you won't get an evenly distributed solution of medicine ingredients.

31. It is useful for element symbols to have international acceptance so that scientists all over the world don't get confused as to the properties or characteristics of an element.

32. See Picture:

33. It isn't possible for water to be 100% free of chemicals. M
inerals will always be in water.

34. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is also polar and has surface tension. Waters' boiling point is 212 degrees F and its freezing point is 32 degrees F. The physical properties of the elements that compose water do not have those properties.

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